Real Stories, Real Results
Case Studies Success Stories
Success Stories
Discover how IntellisafeIAQ is transforming indoor environments with our case studies and success stories.
Witness the real-world impact of our innovative indoor air quality solutions.
Allendale Public Schools
Allendale, New Jersey
Allendale Public Schools in New Jersey implemented our Intellisafe UVC solutions for their restrooms and nurse’s office, ensuring effective disinfection.
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
Newark, New Jersey
Anheuser-Busch brewery partnered with IntellisafeiAQ for whole-room UVC disinfection in their laboratory. This forward-thinking implementation ensures employee well-being and product safety.
Joe’s Place Restaurant
Marengo, Illinois
Maywood Public Schools
Maywood, New Jersey
IntellisafeIAQ provided portable UVC disinfection devices for large spaces like gyms, hallways, and cafeterias, while installing in-ceiling air purification devices in the Nurse’s Office for added support to this critical space.
Featured Stories
UVC Disinfection System
UVC System Keeps Kinnelon Schools Open After Potential Covid Case
Kinnelon Public Schools
New Jersey
When faced with a potential Covid-related incident, Kinnelon Public Schools found reassurance in their newly commissioned Intellisafe UVC disinfection system. Within hours, the system was activated in the classroom and nurse’s office where a student had shown symptoms, ensuring a swift and effective response. The result? Normal school operations continued without closures or positive cases among students and staff.
Inspired by this success, Kinnelon Public Schools adopted a tiered approach to safeguard their facilities. Automated between-use disinfection in restrooms, on-demand and nightly treatments in the fitness center, and hybrid air and whole-room disinfection in classrooms and nurse’s offices were implemented. Looking ahead, their commitment to IntellisafeIAQ continues as they plan to expand their system for comprehensive district-wide protection.
Whole-Room UVC Disinfection
Anheuser-Busch Brewery Whole Room UVC
Newark, New Jersey
Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Newark, NJ, a leader in the beverage industry, partnered with IntellisafeIAQ to implement whole-room UVC disinfection in their laboratory. This forward-thinking approach ensures that their dedicated quality control specialists can conduct thorough testing of ingredients, maintaining their high standards of taste and safety. By harnessing the power of whole-room UVC disinfection, IntellisafeIAQ not only improves the well-being of employees but also ensures the safety of those who enjoy Anheuser-Busch products. With up to 99.99% disinfection of surface-level and airborne pathogens in minutes, our Intelli-Safe® control systems provide advanced features such as occupancy sensors, scheduling capabilities, and app-based Bluetooth controls. Experience the future of disinfection with IntellisafeIAQ for a healthier and safer environment.
Real Stories
Allendale Public Schools
“We chose to put in [the Intellisafe UVC system] to add that extra protection so that…we were able to sanitize the bathroom and be completely sure that there would be no additional spreading in any of our facilities, giving our custodians the time and attention that they needed to devote to the classrooms and the other common areas in the schools.”
Ms. Maria Engeleit
Business Administrator
Maywood Public Schools
“With the research I did, it seems what we really would need in the school (the Intellisafe UVC system) to help us with pathogen elimination…[the Intellisafe UVC system] cuts down in the cost that we are spending on the chemical disinfection right now and it is a proven technology that I’m really happy with.”
Mr. John Montany
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor
Adlai E. Stevenson Elementary School
“I think the most important thing is the time. It is only four or five minutes that everything is [disinfected]. We are not waiting to let a surface dry or to wait for someone to spray or if someone is allergic.”
Ms. Sonal Patel
Occupational Therapist
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